Thursday, February 6, 2014

A New Oppertunity

Hello Everyone! I have some pretty large news. I have decided to not continue on with my Argentina adventure. I have been given a once in a lifetime opportunity. I was nominated to participate in a National Student Leadership Conference over the summer in a International Diplomacy program. This program will be held at The American University in Washington D.C. at the end of July. This program helped me do the things I wanted to do over the summer but couldn't because of the time the Argentina trip took. It is a huge honor to be nominated. I decided that it would be in the best of my interest you participate in the conference rather than go to Argentina. I want to thank everyone for there support and guidance during this journey. I will still be Traveling Tuesday. :) Washington D.C. here I come!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Extreme Weather

Hello Everyone! It has been a while since I have typed a post for you all. I am nearly done with my AFS application. I have one more thing to do. I finished my scholarship essays and now waiting to have them read. Here in Illinois, we have been having extreme weather! I have had four days off due to dangerous temperatures! I might even get one or two off next week! To bad I have to make them up in June..... Oh well, I guess Argentina will be enough to keep me occupied and entertained for the summer break. :) Even though I love the cold weather, I am ready to meet the nice and calm temperatures of Argentina. I am sure that everyone in my situation would prefer to be in Argentinean weather rather than this freezing weather. I just can't wait to breathe the Argentinean air! Argentina is only 138 days away! So close the the 100 day mark. I am so ready to pack my shorts and my t-shirts and leave. Even though it will be their winter when I am there, I am sure it has nothing on this Chicago winter!

To sponsor my AFS program, please click the Donate Now button to make a non tax-deductible contribution directly to my AFS program account.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

School is back in Session

The Chicago River
Hello Everyone! School is offically back and started off where we left off. After those two cold days, I had a nice extended vacation with my familky even though it was -15 outside! BRR! I am now at $150! Thank you for all those supporting me! It means a lot to me. For new news I have now started selling candy bars at a local pub to help support my trips finances. I have also finished writing my scholarship essays. Just a little tweaking to be done. Luckily I have no homework during this weekend so I will have plenty of time to get it just right. Thank you for supporting me through this journey! 

To sponsor my AFS program, please click the Donate Now button to make a non tax-deductible contribution directly to my AFS program account.

Friday, January 3, 2014

My Holiday Break!

Christmas with my family!
Reunited with my AFSers
 and it feels so good!
Hello Everyone! Holiday is almost over for the masses. I hope everyone had a cheerful, safe and enjoyable holiday season and hope that the new year will treat you well! I spent my break with friends and family. I had the pleasure of having three Christmas' this year. All Christmas' were amazing! My first Christmas I spent with my mom, dad and grandma. The second, I spent with my mom's side and the third with my dad's side. I got to catch up and share some laughs. Another exciting thing I did was go up to Milwaukee to visit my friend who went to Ireland with me (on an AFS trip) with another friend who went with us. It was great to see my AFS buddies and got to share what has happened to us in the past couple of months.

To sponsor my AFS program, please click the Donate Now button to make a non tax-deductible contribution directly to my AFS program account.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Holidays!

I am already enjoying my Holiday break with my tacky Christmas sweater!
Happy Holidays Everyone! It is finally winter break and I am excited to spend time with my family and friends. I still have a lot to do for school and for my Argentina trip! I have two essays to write for scholarships for my summer high school program. Fingers crossed that I receive the scholarship! In recent news, I have received a $200 scholarship from AFS! Thank you AFS for my AFS Family Scholarship, it is greatly appreciated. I am also greatly appreciating that  I have also received $100 in donations! THANK YOU! I have 10% of my goal of $3,000! This is fantastic! Please share, donate and have a wonderful holiday season!

 To sponsor my AFS program, please click the Donate Now button to make a non tax-deductible contribution directly to my AFS program account.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What I want to do

After High School, I want to study diplomacy and international relations. The reason why is because my few times leaving the country changed my perspective on the world that I live in. The world is so much more than the tiny town I live in, it is a world of many people and experiences. Life is meant for living. I want to pursue adventuring the world to become a bigger, better version of myself that I can use to educate and help the world with what I have learned. When I came back from my trip to Ireland last summer I became a more aware person of myself and others. I became more outgoing and life-full. I became a person that I am proud of. I no longer care what the people in school say or do. I care about if I am being myself and if I'm making people's lives better. I feel that me going to Argentina can help better me more and therefore bettering the people around me and opening my outreach to people who speak don't just speak English but Spanish as well.

 To sponsor my AFS program, please click the Donate Now button to make a non tax-deductible contribution directly to my AFS program account.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why I want to travel

Hello again everyone! I wanted to share more about why I want to go to Argentina. The reason why I love traveling so much is because of my grandma. My grandma traveled the world taking photos of the places she went to. She always showed me her photographs of the places she visited. I remember looking at the photos and hoping that one day that I would be able to travel the world like she did. I always looked up to her because she was and is the strongest person I will ever know. She knew what life meant. Life is for us to have fun and help others. She did both of those things. Having her as a grandma was quite unconventional but I loved every second of it. I just hope that one day I will be able to do the same things she did.

 To sponsor my AFS program, please click the Donate Now button to make a non tax-deductible contribution directly to my AFS program account.